We're in full-on production run! Despite the brief hiatus with Thanksgiving break, we've been hard at work on the injection molding machines. Here's a count of all of our produced parts thus far:
- Body: >100
- Snap ring: >100
- Snowman: >100
- Hat: >100
- Nose: >100
- Eyes/Buttons: ~40
- Dome: ~25
- Stand: refining parameters
According to the following chart, we're over 80% complete!

While producing our parts, we've been improving on adapting parameters (such as adapting when the molds heat up and affect ejection, or switching colors and obtaining the right shade for our next pieces). Now that we have more than we need for many of our pieces, we've begun quality sifting to ensure consistent color, etc. With less than two weeks left, we'll be going full throttle on wrapping up our remaining parts: the eyes/buttons, the dome, and the stand. The latter will require us to experiment with printing our pattern on the thermoplastic and thermoforming that image, so stay tuned.
Aside from that, we've been assembling whenever we can to help mitigate the process later down the line. Catch some pics of our progress:
We have our fingers crossed for some snow soon so we can get in the sno-yo spirit. Stay warm!